Friday 19 December 2008

Jonathan "JB" Gill

Jonathan Gill is also another member of JLS, he gets called JB. He's a 21 year old student and grew up in Croydon.

Jonathan fell in love with music at the age of seven when he played the recorder, piano, flute and guitar. A guess this kind of speaks for itsel, showing really how much he loves his music.

At the age of nine Jonathan had already joined the choir and went on to perform at his local church. Jonathan spent most of his time doing his music and went on to study at The Centre of Young Musicians(CYM).

After he left the CYM, Jonathan stayed involed in the school music scene. He played Mercado in the play Mercado and was incolved in the school choir. Jonathan continued this until he was 15 but eventually had to give it up due to his promising rugby carer.

Jonathan eventually decided decided he wanted to sing more and took up local coaching on a year out before he went to university. During this period, Jonathan was contacted by Oritse to try out for the band.

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