Friday 19 December 2008

Oritse Williams

Oritse is the final member of JLS he is a 21 year old who works with disabled children and comes from Fulham.

Oritse began singing when he was 15 years old and at the age of 15, he would even sing on his school bus.

Oritse studied for his A' levels in Nigeria and would also spend time teaching children in the village how to sing. It was here he first ever sang in a recording studio when he was asked to lay down some vocals for the track he had written called Soul Woman.

However, due to competition from another male solo artist, Oritse track was pulled from the stations play list and his dream was pulled to a stand still. He was also the schools head boy and was part of a local charity group, Motherless Baby Home.

Oritse loved being part of his community and also loved singing with the villagers. After a couple of years he decided to move back to the UK to live with his mother in London. When he got back to London he got a job in a record company but worked for free just so he could gain some music industry experience. He was introduced to many different mentors when he joined a vocal Academy whilst he was at University, and Malcom Connell trained him vocally and was the person that gave him the inspiration to form JLS.

He managed to blag his way onto MTV Base and got a feature with Trevor Nelson, The Lick Show. Trevor made clear that Oritse was just what the UK needed.

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